Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Secret to Loving Your Body Isn't Losing Weight

I always used to think that if I was skinnier, I'd be happier—not just with my body but with my life in general. Many of us believe that weight loss is the answer to many of our problems and pitfalls. We think that when we lose weight we'll not just feel more confident, but we'll land a mate, improve our marriages, be more successful, have more friends, or just feel happier in general. For a lot of people weight loss—or, rather, being thin—is the golden ticket we've been waiting on.

But many people who have lost any significant amount of weight will probably be quick to tell you that even as a thinner person, life doesn't change that much. You may have lost weight—and that's great for a lot of reasons—but you are likely the same person with the same outlook, same personality, same level of overall happiness. Weight loss alone won't cure you of your body hatred, your lack of confidence, your shy personality or your low self-esteem.

I battled body hatred for many years. It compelled me to diet and exercise until I lost too much weight. I liked the attention I received, but... Read More

Article Link:  The Secret to Loving Your Body Isn't Losing Weight
By Nicole Nichols